A possible solution :
LIST POH F1 WITH  EVAL "'*':F1 = '*000700'"

works in universe that has no udt.options to set.
( unidata has EVAL hasn't it ?)

-- mats

David A. Green skrev:
Is this normal SELECT behavior?  I get the same results when I use NO.INDEX.
Is there an UDT.OPTIONS I can use?  I also noticed using " 700" selected the
same records when the F1 was Right Justified but not when it was Left
Justified.  But the leading zeros were an issue either way.

LIST POH F1 WITH F1 = "000700" 19:26:49 Nov 03 2008 1
POH... 01 Vendor Number
7110 00700
7120               0700
7130                700
9262                700
4 records listed

David A. Green
(480) 813-1725
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