It's not an online forum. It's an IRC channel. I'd be willing to help if
there's interest. There's an unofficial ##pick if interested, but only a
couple of pickies hang out there. If you want to get a normal channel on
Freenode then you'd need to apply and get representation from IBM in order
to form an official channel. Otherwise you can just create ##ibmu2 or
##ibmu2ug and skip the whole official thing. The main benefit to registering
with Freenode is that group members can apply for host cloaks that show up
when you identify you user/password in IRC. They can say something like
"member/u2ug" or "committee/u2ug" instead of your PC's IP address or
hostname when you do a /whois on a person. Stop by for more information. You can
also ask the staff specific question in #freenode. Make sure you read the
page before you ask, because most channel operators and helpers don't like
having to spoon feed answers that are already online.

Glen Batchelor
IT Director
All-Spec Industries
 phone: (910) 332-0424
   fax: (910) 763-5664

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:owner-u2-
>] On Behalf Of Ron White
> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 9:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [U2] Freenode #ibmu2 ?
> As I recall in our discussions long long ago that this email list was the
> preferred medium because several of our list members are restricted by
> their
> companies and are not allowed to access the web to participate in online
> forums.  I for one am quite content with the present mailing list format
> so
> that all members are able to participate.
> Ron White
> -------
> u2-users mailing list
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