Very interesting ... Hmmm


David Laansma

IT Manager
Hubbard Supply Co. 

Direct: 810-342-7143


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[] On Behalf Of Doug Averch
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 10:52 AM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] UniVerse Unit Testing


Jerry and All,


We did something similar to Brian.  All of our Basic code was
re-designed to have 6 arguments: PARAM1, PARAM2, PARAM3, PARAM4,
RETURN.INFO, and METHOD.  That way we could automatically test any
program from any other program by knowing every program had 6 arguments.
For reports PARAM2 was where all of the data was passed in as dynamic
array, the output uses RETURN.INFO.  Entry programs passed the updated
data in on PARAM2 and passed data out on RETURN.INFO using an open
source format called json.  JSON is not as verbose as XML and JavaScript
and Java natively handle the format by converting it to an array.  We
Basic programmers do like to work with arrays of data.


We used METHOD to tell subroutine what it should be doing (i.e.
CreateReport, LoadDefaults, ReadData, WriteData, or BuildGrid).  That
way the programs  became very similar in structure.  We had two or three
programs that supported entry screens were all reduced to a single


We had to learn how debug the Basic code, the JavaScript, and the HTML
code. You cannot use the debugger on the Web.  We developed what we call
a logger, so instead of using a DEBUG statement or the simple CRT
statement to see what the variables are and where you are in the code,
you now call a subroutine that writes to a log that can be viewed either
from Telnet or from our Eclipse based Basic Editor.  Debugging
JavaScript requires a great open source tool called Firebug that runs on


We had upwards of 2000 programs running Accounting, CRM, Distribution,
Document Management, Payroll, Transportation, and Warehousing all
running as "green screen" applications  We stripped out all of the
screen I/O which reduced the program to about 1/3 their previous size.
We changed all of the code from whatever they were to subroutines using
our 6 arguments.  Perhaps the most problematic was all of the reports
had to be switch to HTML format.  That process was the most time
consuming due the amount of code that needed to be changed.  However,
this gave us time to reduce the amount of reports we produced.  We
consolidated similar reports into a single report with multiple report


Some programs took minutes, some took days and some took weeks.  Some of
the code was over 25 years old and required a complete rewrite because
of the GOTO's and calls to various green screen subroutines that no
longer existed. Since we have customers that run in Universe and Unidata
we had to develop the techniques to run the same code on both platforms.
We develop all of our software on Universe and port to Unidata. Our
Eclipse based Installer comments out the Universe specific code an
uncomments out the Unidata specific code depending on the destination


I should note that our code was first written for RedBack running on
IIS.  I decided after a few years that platform was not going in the
direction we need to go so we ported to our own middleware using open
source Apache Tomcat.


We accomplished this over a period of a year with four programmers.  We
now have around 400 programs that run all of our applications listed
above.  We are constantly evolving our interface.  We just switched from
a home grown cross-reference to a open source tool that allows us to
load 50,000 records in under a second and it has built in filtering,
column sorting and paging.  The Web is truly an amazing place where you
can get open source software that we would have spent weeks to months






[] On Behalf Of jpb-u2ug
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 7:23 AM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] UniVerse Unit Testing

Doug and Brian,

Could you give me some numbers on how long and how many people (man
hours) it took to do the changes? Approximately how many programs did
you have to convert to the new way and what did you end up with?


Jerry Banker


[] On Behalf Of Perry Taylor
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 7:55 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] UniVerse Unit Testing




You say that you "designed all our server code as subroutines such that
all of our subroutines had one of two calling interfaces".  This would
seem to mean that you built and maintained two different versions of
every external subroutine/function.  Is this correct or am I just
missing something?







[] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 3:19 AM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] UniVerse Unit Testing




At my last company, we spent a lot of effort on building an automated
test rig for our software, because we had to support multiple platforms
and all our code required full regression testing. It may be a slightly
different scenario to yours, since we were primarily building tools, and
also this was complicated by the fact that all of our software was
client/server in some way, and usually involved several languages .. but
here is our experience for what it's worth:



The bad news is that you really need to design these in from the start.


We designed all our server code as subroutines such that all of our
subroutines had one of two calling interfaces, either:


Subroutine name(InData, OutData, ErrText)




Subroutine name(Action, InData, OutData, ErrText)


That meant that we could generate a test rig that could feed the InData
(and Action) and then test for the OutData and log any ErrText values.

For reports, we would capture the report text and do 'spot checks' on
the expected results.



We also version stamped our routines, so we were certain we were testing
the right versions, and had build scripts to recompile everything.
Nothing left to manual operation since that opens up the opportunity for
something to get forgotten: there is no point testing stuff to QA and
then doing something different when you come to release! Incidentally,
since this was client/server, these involved VBScript scripts for the
client end calling cutting paragraphs on the server along the line.



Because Universe code doesn't break down into simple blocks, unless you
want to instrument your code and capture all your file I/O - which is
possible - and test for that, your only sensible option is to unit test
at the subroutine/external function level.



The good news is that because UniVerse caches subroutines in memory, the
overheads to breaking out code are not as high as on systems that do
not. it also means you end up with a more manageable system, better
options for reuse and if you adopt different client front ends, easier
to migrate. You may also find out that your code mass reduces as you
split these out, because there is less duplication (sorry if I'm stating
the obvious here) and so your testing domain is reduced also.



If you want clean-room regression testing, I highly recommend Virtual PC
is it will support your OS. We kept clean images of all the platforms we
supported, which was a huge time saver. One nice thing about VPC is that
it supports 'undo disks' which means that you can snapshot the image at
a particular point, and then any changes e.g. brought on by software
loads for testing are physically and transparently stored outside the
virtual disk and you choose at the end whether to commit those changes
or not, making it very easy to go back if that version didn't pass.



Finallly, having a predictable way to load routines from dev to QA and
from QA to live is a must - so I'll put in a very small [AD] for









[] On Behalf Of Perry Taylor
        Sent: 10 June 2009 20:33
        Subject: [U2] UniVerse Unit Testing

        The powers that be have been discussing the possibility of going
to a unit test model for QA.  As I understand the concept, portions of
code are broken down into smaller manageable chunks against which a
dedicated unit test for each may be run.  This seems like a good idea in
an object oriented world where methods of object can be easily invoked.
This would seem less practical in with a procedural language like BASIC.

        It feels like we would end up breaking out thousands of lines of
code into external subroutines which could then be run through a
dedicated unit test.  This would introduce significant overhead with all
the CALLs to hundreds (thousands) of external subroutines.  Then there
are complications such as variables in named common, etc.

        Is anyone out there in MV land employing serious unit testing?
If so, care to share your experiences, concerns, success stories?


        Perry Taylor 
        Zirmed, Inc. 

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