>From IBM U2 News Flash Issue 7, July 2009:

Technote 1392476: How can I get the U2 Basic Developer's Toolkit (BDT) to 
Work with Older Versions of UniData or UniVerse?

Question: I am running an older version of UniVerse or UniData and would
like to uset the BDT. 
How can I do this?

Cause: The U2 Basic Developer's Toolkit was originally released with UniData
7.2.0 and 
UniVerse 10.3.0. The BDT client connects to the server to complete most of
its functionality 
through the use of several basic programs. The existing programs (on the
older U2 database 
server versions) do not have all of the functions that BDT uses.

U2logic's Eclipsed based U2 editor called XLr8Editor allows you to use it on
any release of Universe 9.6 and above, or Unidata version 6.0 and above.

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It is that easy.

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