One thing I have noticed from the GFC, is that management are no longer 
impressed by sparkle.  They are looking for delivery and some of the market 
leaders have a reputation for not delivering, for cost blowouts and failure to 
perform to expectations.  When times are tight, management are looking for cost 
effective solutions that deliver.

There has never been a better time to grow the U2 market than now.  That PICK 
is inferior is a mindset, the grass is not greener on the other side.  I have 
dealt with other products and some of the stuff they do is archaic.  One brand 
name GL that has replaced PICK general ledgers with something that is supposed 
to be more modern is a COBOL application.  It is all in the marketing.

I have an OEM product and my business grew 40% this past year.  The IBM name 
did not help, it was sold on its merits and what it delivered to management.  
IBM marketing was no help so no loss there.

I am seeing situations where users are talking about dropping brand name GUI 
general ledger packages and selecting a character based green screen general 

We just have to look a cache and see what they have done with Mumps technology.

The problem with U2 is not the technology, it is a failure to sell its 
strengths, to have direction.  Get some switched on people and U2 sales will go 
through the roof.

It is attitude, attitude, attitude

I have seen 20 years of change from Prime to vmark to Ardent to Informix to 
IBM.   I am still in business.
Over 20 years ago I saw the newspaper headlines PICK is dead, well the coffin 
is still in the corner collecting dust.
Over 20 years ago I saw the headline, Unix spells the death knell for PICK, now 
the question is will Unix survive linux.

The world will change, companies come and go.  Don't judge the world on the 
ones that have gone, but on the ones that are coming.

The GFC has caused brand name comapnies to collapse.  As a small business, I 
use it to tell potential clients that large public listed companies do not 
guarantee continuity and that I provide better security of future by partnering 
with other businesses.

The problem with the PICK market, is  the siege mentality.   We have bunkered 
down for so long in the castle, that all we think is that we are under attack 
by superior forces.   It is a mentality that is dragging down the industry.  It 
is time to drop the draw bridge and charge as PICK is far superior in many ways.

The decision about Rocket software is a done deal, nothing we can change about 
that.  Now it is about how to make the most of the opportunities provided by 
the Rocket acquisition.  Focus on the positives, build on the strengths.


David Jordan

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