UUCP is definitely old-fashioned.

The best approach (in my opinion) is to NFS mount the file systems from 
the production server onto the test server, then use some utility to copy 
the raw files over.  We use cpio.

The syntax is something like this (run on the test server):

mount -r ProductionServer:/u1 /mnt
cd /mnt
rm -r /u1/*
find . -depth -print | cpio -pd /u1

Runs fast, works like a charm.  The only caveat is that the cpio is 
oblivious to UV access to the data files, and if they are large and people 
are accessing the files while the cpio is running, you will run the risk 
of GFE's.  We've got about 50GB worth of data, and I run it at night and 
we don't have any problems.  It seems to take an hour or so to complete. 
I'm not sure why, but sometimes the indexes need to be rebuilt on the test 
server when it's all done.

If you really, really need to get past the live access/GFE issue with a 
monster file or two, I'd suggest turning off the flag that prevents NFS 
access to files without UVNet, then create an empty file the test server, 
fiddle up a VOC entry for the live file and use the UV COPY command to 
pull the records over.

Finally, the toughest part about setting it up is sorting through the 
security stuff to get the NFS mount to work.  It's tough enough to do in 
Unix, beats me how you do it in AIX.

Dave Barrett
Project Manager,
Lawyers' Professional Indemnity Company (LAWPRO®)
250 Yonge Street, Suite 3101, P.O. Box 3 
Toronto, Ontario  M5B 2L7
Tel: 416-598-5872
Fax: 416-599-8341

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