
>File MESSAGES  Type= 2  Modulo= 1  Sep= 1 

Coming across one of these in a system I'm working on always steams me. It 
has to be one of silliest and most easily avoidable time-bombs people can 
set in a system.  The difference between a modulo 11 and a modulo 1 file 
on performance is astronomical, and the disc cost of just making sure that 
every file - even one you're absolutely positive will never have more that 
a couple of records in -  has at least an 11 or a 101 modulo is totally 

Dave Barrett
Project Manager,
Lawyers' Professional Indemnity Company (LAWPRO®)
250 Yonge Street, Suite 3101, P.O. Box 3 
Toronto, Ontario  M5B 2L7
Tel: 416-598-5872
Fax: 416-599-8341

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