Well, I'll certainly concur that an "account" is simply the location of the

Key word there - "typically".

(OK - so no real pgm directories alongside programs. What about expanding to

Here you're likely mixing Data files/dicts with the program directories.
Besides - one is definitely more of a directory "tree" while the other is
more of a directory "lawn" :)

I guess messy is in the eye of the beholder. Plus, I'll certainly agree to
the flexibility of the VOC (although it's a double-edged sword). The issue I
have with UniData is that it will give you the flexibility with one hand and
take it away with the other. Usually, it seems to come down to a
"typically." I've heard that the origin of UniData came from someone with a
very definitive view of the right and wrong way to do things and it really
shows every once in a while.

My silly gripe is that the OS level commands GUIDE and MEMRESIZE work
slightly differently. GUIDE will work on both the actual filename and the
VOC name while MEMRESIZE looks at the VOC record. If a local filename has a
VOC item that points elsewhere you can easily resize the wrong file or not
be able to resize something you think you should be able to.

Colin "enough of the bad puns and trite colloquialisms already" Alfke
Calgary, Canada

-----Original Message-----
From: Symeon Breen

Sorry - i think we were talking at cross purposes there.

Yes an account is just a directory but many people refer to the directory in
which they run the udt process as the account and this is where the voc
resides. - typically the program files would be sub directories inside this
account/directory - so you would have SOPprogs, SLprogs, etc   It would get
messy if inside this account you had say BP as your program directory with
programs in it then also inside bp you had subdirectories also with
programs, the sub directories would be fine as you could easily set up voc
pointers for them, the BP directory would be fine as well, except any
selects and commands based on selects i.e. catalog and basic, may go awry
because of the sub directories inside it.

So i think the reasoning behind the exclusion of -r for convcode is that you
would not usually have a directory that had nothing in it except code and
also contained subdirectories also with code, the main directory would be an
account and as such you would not want to run convcode in the account, but
against each of the program files inside that account.

There are a million scenarios here the voc is just too flexible ......

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