On 12/08/10 20:36, Jeff Schasny wrote:
> HostAccess

How good is HostAccess pt200 emulation? If DynamicConnect has the same
.wit file as wIntegrate (it should) then it's a pretty good emulation (I
wrote it, so I'm blowing my own trumpet :-)

You may want to tell DynamicConnect you're using a pt250 - the two wit
files should be identical.

Just be aware that a real pt200 or pt250 had several sequences that
would do the same thing, and I coded both variants into my wit file.
VMark (as it was then) in their wisdom deleted a load of the duplicates,
which screwed up our system when we upgraded because we had software
which used the variant they deleted :-(

Bear in mind we successfully used wIntegrate/pt250 to run
WordPerfect/SCO sessions, so it had to be pretty good :-) If you have
any questions feel free to ask me, but from my mention of VMark you can
tell it was a LONG time ago ... :-)

> http://www.roguewave.com/products/hostaccess.php
> Natasha Zagsky wrote:
>> Can anyone recommend a telnet client for Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7
>> with PT200 (Prime Computer) terminal emulation?
>> Natasha zagskyzag...@hotmail.com
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