Hi George,

If I do that, then I lose the features of the Reality Account
correct? Or Do I change it, catalog the routine, then change
it back?

You could create an alternative named VOC entry that uses INFORMATION.FORMAT to save changing it back.

However, it may not really be an issue. The Reality mode version of CATALOG behaves the same as the Information style one with no extra options (what Ideal/Information and PI/open call "normal mode"). By selecting the INFORMATION format you gain LOCAL and global modes.

The problem is that those accounts were imported from a
Reality system, and I wanted to use some of the subroutines
that were written on another account imported from a Prime

The mode of CATALOG has no effect on what you can call. It only determines how the cataloguing is done.

Martin Phillips
Ladybridge Systems Ltd
17b Coldstream Lane, Hardingstone, Northampton NN4 6DB, England
+44 (0)1604-709200
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