The problem with this question is, if I understand correctly, the SELECT
F.FILENAME statement does not truly select the entire file all at once.

It essentially selects one group at a time and passes those keys to the
READNEXT statement as they become available.

Which is why the SELECT F.FILENAME makes keys available to the READNEXT
statement immediately.

I have a COUNT.FILE (FILENAME,REC.CNT) subroutine that I use to get the
number of records that are in the file just before I initiate the SELECT
F.FILENAME statement.

The subroutine performs a simple COUNT command and returns one number.

The COUNT command seems to run faster than the corresponding SELECT,
especially for larger files, since I'm guessing that it doesn't build
the list as it is reading the keys.

Even this is only a close estimate since more records can presumably be
added further down the file before my READNEXT gets to that block.

Technicians at Rocket, feel free to interject !

David Laansma
IT Manager
Hubbard Supply Co.
Direct: 810-342-7143
Office: 810-234-8681
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-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] How many will be selected?

In a message dated 10/19/2010 10:50:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Psychic you are!  Do you read palms as well?

What you need to do is ask the system these questions:
1) How many groups are in this file? and
2) What group number am I in right now.

The groups are processed so rapidly that this will be all you need to
to calculate your dreams and desires in this regard.  And it will make
hair grow back.

Will Johnson
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