
I'm not sure about UV but in UD, when I change windows permissions, they immediately work through UD. This is because UD uses Windows permissions and doesn't have their own security (well, limited anyway).

I didn't realize UV was different.


Arnold Bosch said the following on 1/28/2011 4:25 AM:
Hi everyone.

Is it possible to force Universe to refresh it's "internal" permissions
list without restarting the UV service?

I have a user that I added to the Windows Administrators group after the
user was created on Windows and in Universe.
It does not appear that UV picks up that this user is now allowed
administrative privileges - and I really don't want to restart the UV
service at this point in time on the server to get this going.

For info: UV 10.2.1 on Windows Server 2003.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Kind regards,

Arnold Bosch
IT Administrator
Taeuber&  Corssen SWA (Pty) Ltd
Tel +264 (0)61 293 2106
Cell +264 (0)81 124 8625
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