Someone on G+ had a post that summed up some of the angst I have
regarding Eclipse.  I think its the overbearing framework followed by
thin plugins.

Eclipse has some strong points, but I think some of the apps (plugins)
I have tried had less functionality that free-standing competing apps.

Some examples:

Editor - pydev, bdt, eclim, {insert other editing widget for eclipse here} vs
    Any product by JetBrains, Emacs, VIM, Textmate, heck UltraEdit on win32.

For pure editing, all of these competitors have tons of features they
bring to the table.

The major thing BDT and others bring to the table are using u2 rpc and
svn.  Most of the editors I list also have a network layer, or just
using plain Samba on your dir file full of u2 src code.  There are
also dozens of ways to use git, svn, hg, etc.
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