Sorry if I caused some confusion. I had thought Rocket was trying to get
away from the SB+ naming conventions with SB/XA. When I said it won't work
with SB+ I meant SB+ versions prior to the version in SB/XA. 

As Steve, David, and Dan have confirmed - SBClient 6 won't connect to prior
versions of SB+. So if you're a VAR or consultant that needs to connect to
various versions SBClient 6 isn't a good fit.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Wolverton 

Yes -- that's what I was thinking also Steve -- he's right -- but wrong

If you have to upgrade your SERVER side to use the new client, it means you
have to have BOTH old and new SBClient on your PC if you support both old
and new customers.

He's 'right' in that 6.x will run in the 'old GUI' mode -- but he's 'wrong'
in the way you and I were thinking -- the new SBClient is not 'retro-aware'
like all previous versions were, probably due to the new licensing scheme
where you ALWAYS get SBClient with SB+ - it's no longer an 'add on' ...


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel McGrath

In response with to David and Steve

Yes, you will have to upgrade SB+ to 6 as well. The statement that SBClient
v6 does not run with SB+ is wrong; SB+ is still the server portion of SB/XA.
Yes, there is a requirement to upgrade more than just your client. My
previous statement still stands.


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Long

Dan -

With all due respect, I have to beg to differ with you. I have SBClient
6.03 installed and attempting to connect to anything other than SB/XA gives
me an error:

SBClient 6.0 or later is compatible only with SB/XA 6.0 or later.

If there is a work around to get it to work, I would love to know it so I
don't have to have multiple copies of SBClient.


Steve Long

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel McGrath

I can denied.

Both the New SB/XA clients and SBClient connect to SB+ on the Server.

You should be able to migrate v5 applications to v6 without have to use the
new rich clients provided with SB/XA (although, I highly recommend you look
into it!)


-----Original Message-----
From: Laura Hirsh

Thanks Dan, I'll check it out. Colin said that the version in SB/XA only
works with SB/XA. Could you please confirm or deny? :)

Thanks all!

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel McGrath

Hi Laura!

SBClient is now included free as part of SB/XA. So you can download the
latest SB/XA PE and you will have access to SBClient v6.

Just so you know, we recently released SB/XA 6.1.2 and should have the
v6.1.2 personal edition out shortly.

Dan McGrath
U2 Product Manager | Rocket Software

-----Original Message-----
From: Laura Hirsh

Hi all! I think that there used to be a download of SBClient PE, but I can't
seem to find it now. Seems that most things are for SB/XA. Any ideas?



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