I've never had this particular issue, and the debugging for CALLC is ...
ummmm... sketchy...

I call a function using CALLC -- from the logs, I can tell that everything
is perfect on the subroutine -- everything I pass in does what it should.

However, on exit the UniData (on Windows, 7.2.2)  session ALWAYS DIES.

The data is not being changed in the 'passed parameters' - so it should be
'good'.... and the function is defined

Int funcname(parameters)

And the Function is set to exit with return 0;

The first field in the "E" pointer is INT, and all the others a CHAR_PTR --
all the parameters are 'inbound' and not changing - and even if they did
change, the are CHAR_PTR strings -- should be no big deal...  and I can see
that  the C function is working -- and getting every passed parameter.

It is JUST on the 'return 0;' that it fails.  Is there a way to 'know' what
is causing this?  It's just too freaky since everything that 'went out' fine
should 'come back' exactly as it left.  But I can't think of a way to
'watch' this interface or 'catch' what is going wrong.  Thoughts??

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