Hey fella who said he didn't see a CONTINUE.. isn't the point of a user
group to learn new things? I bet there are many things you've never seen -
happens to me too.
What I love about user groups is that, while there are a hundred good ways
to achieve something, there are really clever ways, e.g. x = not(x) for
maintaining a toggle, and even better somewhere to ask how to get something
done or fixed.

Ok.. throwing my cents in too..


for i = 1 to 99
      do x
     if y then continue
      do z
     if a then continue
     do b
     if c then exit
next i

is easy reading: it prevents having to put GOTO statements in! Basically
put 'continue' says 'goto the next loop' as opposed to 'exit' saying 'skip
the rest of the loops. Used together you can control the sequence of events
easily - one could write some hectic convoluted code but why?
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