Sort of OT:
My NebulaXLite product builds XML files that can get into tens of
megabytes. Concatenation with either method described below can cause
this process to take 1/2 hour or longer. I developed a technique that
reduces build time of these large blocks down to seconds, and no, this
isn't a method that has been discussed in public before. I know this
would be valuable information to many companies that seek to reduce
processing time of large blocks of data (CSV, EDI, HTML, XML, JSON,
SQL, etc). I just can't think of a way to recover my research and
development costs for this or anything else if the information is
published in a forum for everyone to consume for free, or if the
information is shared with a colleague who then provides a service to
others to speed up applications without my assistance. Someone needs
to pay for R&D like this or people simply can't continue to innovate -
just ask your pharmaceutical company.  So anyway, while I feel like a
tease for saying so, if you find your X<-1> code still takes a Long
time to process after you get to thousands of attributes or megabytes
of data, just know that it Can be significantly improved, I just can't
tell you how right now.

.... awkward ...

> From: Daniel McGrath 
> ROUNDS = 10000
>    X = '' ; Y = ''
>    FOR I = 1 TO ROUNDS
>       X<-1> = I
>    NEXT I
>    END.TIME = TIME()
>    CRT END.TIME-START.TIME : " vs " :
>    FOR I = 1 TO ROUNDS
>       Y = Y:CHAR(254):I
>    NEXT I
>    END.TIME = TIME()
>    ROUNDS *= 2
> ----
> Results suggest that you should od <-1>, not the multiple
> concatenation.

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