On 27/07/12 17:41, Charlie Noah wrote:
> Hi John,
> I had to jump in here, if for no other reason than to let people know
> I'm still alive and kicking. :-)
> When you said "One thing you CAN'T do is insert a value." I hope you
> meant attribute.

Actually, you CAN insert attributes. No problem at all. Just do
ARRAY(50)<2> = ...

Just be warned, though, that if you insert an attribute in the middle of
the array the ones after it won't have their offset increased until you
go through a MATWRITE/MATREAD cycle.

This could be useful when sorting, or really any time when absolute
offset isn't actually very important, or when it's the original offset
that matters, not the new one.

But you can't delete attributes - not without a load of hassle :-)

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