On 21/08/12 17:20, Robert wrote:
> There's an example of how the path is formed in the help file.
> ORION!/u1/filename
> This example is shown if you type HELP BASIC SYSTEM() .
> Another example:
> OPEN "ORION!/u1/user/file" TO FU.ORIONFILE
> You can type HELP BASIC TIMEOUT to see this info.
> You can see all of the info in the UV/NET II guide on Rocket's website.
> Robert Norman

Bear in mind uv/net comes from the old INFORMATION network product.

And as far as Pr1mes were concerned, unless you were an admin it was
tricky to know whether a file was remote or not - there was no clue in
the file name.

One of my favourite war stories along those lines is the user who wanted
to test a tape drive - so she asked it to back up a disk pack over a
9600 modem.

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