
I am working on an issue with UniData but I suspect it possibly affects both 
flavors.  I am making a callHTTP GET request to a server that has virtual 
hosts.  Basically, one server on a single IP address has multiple named web 
sites.  On UniData 7.3.0 Personal Edition on Windows I tested my code and it 
works fine.  On UniData 7.2.10 on Windows it came up with the "default" web 
site (same as if I just use the IP address instead of the FQDN) instead of mine 
that was named in the URL.  I suspected the "Host" header that is required to 
be sent for HTTP/1.1 protocol might be missing on UniData 7.2.

So, I added this line to the code to set the header:


And voila!  On 7.2 it started working properly!  But it broke 7.3!  On 7.3 it 
brings up the default web site if I explicitly set that header.

Is this a known bug/issue?  Is there something I should do to work around it 
now so that a UniData upgrade won't bite me?  I've thought about reverting to 
the old socket interface but I'd like to use callHTTP if it is "stable" since 
it is so convenient.



Steve Kneizys

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