I recommend that you use the script that I provided which uses the
same base table from which the Task Manager draws its data. If that's
not working then you have a permissions issue. Fix that problem. Run
as administrator or check other permissions issues. But the fact that
the script does not return data to you does not mean it's the wrong
solution. It's the right solution - I ran through it before posting.
This is no longer a U2 issue.

Another factor here. You're saying a connection seems to come in and
go out so fast that netstat doesn't register it. I Wish that were the
case in every other situation. Processes go through various
connectivity states including CONNECTING, ESTABLISHED and TIMED_OUT.
Many processes hold in a TIMED_OUT or other state for long after a
connection is broken. This situation has confused many developers and
admins over many years. That your connections seem to go from an
Unconnected state to invisible while still holding on is extremely
unusual - and that might be worth an enquiry to a networking forum.
You don't need to mention Universe - it's just another telnet server.

More likely, I'm guessing you're not using the right options on your
commands, or perhaps running without the right permissions to get the
data you need even from netstat.

Personally I'd get SysInternals tools  (now Microsoft and still free)
or something like WireShark, and get your info like that. This should
be fairly easy to resolve - though of course the ones we think are
easy are usually not...


> From: Wjhonson
> No that's wrong.  So far none of the solutions presented has given
me the
> IP or hostname of the particular telnet clients involved....

>  That one extra "zombie entry" in the tasklist, is not
> present in the netstat output.

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