
It looks like you can do this with Universe UniBasic ReadBlk and we have
working code.  I have been unable to find any equivalent in Unidata.


On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 6:15 PM, Rick Nuckolls <r...@lynden.com> wrote:

> Doug,
> Looking at my old code, I call a subroutine on the backend to do the
> readblk, and then use the default reverse conversion on the return
> argument's UniString. ( byte[] myBinary = myUnistring.toString().getBytes()
>  )..
> UOJ, in its wisdom, does not expose the raw byte array that it gets from
> the back end before it converts it to Java characters in a UniString, hence
> the code above. This might even work if you use the UniSequentialFile
> readBlk() function.
> Technically, it might be better to specify the character encoding, as in
> byte[] myBinary = myUnistring.toString().getBytes("ISO-8859_1"), but this
> assumes that one are sure of what UOJ used to convert the bytes received
> from the server to characters, and that the conversion is 100% reversible.
> It is unclear that UOJ even defines an encoding, and if Localization is in
> use, UniStrings may not reverse to an equal byte array.
> Because of that uncertainty, it would be best to call a subroutine on the
> UDT server that did a block read of the file, a base64 encoding of it using
> ENCODE(...), and then, after passing it back to UOJ, use
> sun.misc.BASE64Decoder to convert
> the UniString return argument back to a byte[].  (After, of course, you
> convert the UniString to a String.) -- For a total of 4 conversions per
> source byte.
> Several years ago, I pointed out  to Rocket (IBM?, Ardent?) that it might
> be more appropriate for the UniSequentialFile readBlk method to return a
> byte[] rather than a UniString. Obviously, it was too late for that, but it
> does not appear that U2  has added a readBytes() method, which is no
> surprise, as I recollect the conversation. (Obviously, there needs to be a
> writeBlk( byte[] ) or writeBytes( byte[] ) method too.)
> Good luck,
> Rick Nuckolls
> On Aug 30, 2013, at 2:30 PM, Doug Averch <dave...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I was at a U2U in 2010, I think, and somebody showed us how to read and
> > write files such as tiffs using UniObjects.  The example was storing them
> > in Unidata and send them out to the web using UOJ.
> >
> > Does anybody know what lecture that was?  Or how to do it?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Doug
> > www.u2logic.com
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