On 08/01/2014 06:34, Hona, David wrote:
Did you use "format.conv" (UNIX / DOS/Windows command) or FORMAT.CONV (TCL 
command) on the HPUX sourced files that restored - post-restore? This will convert them 
into the format required for the target system...

I hate to say it, but I think you've missed something crucial ...

iirc FORMAT.CONV doesn't affect file format, rather it changes the date format from American to European, so that's the wrong command.

HOWEVER the OP used UVBACKUP / UVRESTORE, the whold point of which is to *avoid* all these endian problems! UVBACKUP dumps the database as *text*, and then UVRESTORE puts it back. So the file should be created on the new system in the new endian format without any problems.

There are many options to choose from...see Admin.pdf (In the UV11.1 edition, 
see section 15-21 - PDF page 362 or do a TCL HELP FORMAT.CONV)

A quick google would've revealed to you the following thread... which could be 
useful as well...

Bearing in mind I've never done this, what I would try is ...

Do a UVBACKUP at the account level to save the account on the old system.

Delete the contents of the account directory on the new system, then run UV to create a new empty account.

UVRESTORE your backup into the directory.

A lot more hassle than a global UVBACKUP / UVRESTORE if you have multiple accounts, but it might work.

The other thing is to put a fault call into Rocket, because this ought to work!

I wonder ... could it be because the new system has a newer version of UV, and somehow the "account upgrade" mechanism is cutting in and messing up?

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