I have been telling my manager (an Oracle-centric guy) that with Universe 11+  
(we have 10.2 now) the web services will truly allow us to do input and output 
interfacing with other web services.  I need to make sure this is a correct 

It is clear from the Web Services manual that one can create a web service (a 
SOAP service) which will allow outside queries and return data.  I write to 
this list to ask those of you who know that it is possible to do the other way, 
that from Universe you are able to connect to outside web services, send 
queries to them, and get back responses.  Because I don't see this in the Web 

If the latter is not possible via the Web services capabilities built into 
Universe, how are any of you doing it?  Do you need a 3rd-party product?

Here is the data need:  We are to interface our Jail system to another system 
via an ESB (electronic services bus) via 'web services', passing XML.  

Harold Oaks
Clark County, WA

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