setup a trigger on a uv file:

create.file testfile 30 (nb. information flavour account commands)
create.file testbp 19
ed testbp trigHandler
  0001: subroutine trigHandler(TriggerName,Schema,TableName,Event,
  0002: EventTime,NewRecordID,NewRecord,OldRecordID,OldRecord,
  0003: Association,AssociationEvent,TriggerCount,ChainCascade,Cascade)
  0004: return
basic testbp trigHandler
catalog testbp trigHandler (or catalog testbp *trigHandler)
create trigger AfterUpdate after update on testfile for each row calling


Make an account visible to ODBC & UniOLEDB:
logto HS.ADMIN
Action 3, Activate access to files in an account.

The process of making files visible does the following:
Scans the dictionaries of all nonsystem files named in the VOC, finding all
associations and unassociated multivalued columns.
Writes an @EMPTY.NULL X-record in each file dictionary.
Writes S or M in field 5 of A- and S-descriptors.
Creates Q-pointers in the VOC for files comprising multiple data files.
Creates an HS_FILE_ACCESS file in the account.
Creates a file information cache (.hs_fileinfo) under the account’s
directory, which contains a compressed list of all 1NF filenames in the
account and is used by the UniOLEDB provider to rapidly construct the TABLES
rowset whenever a consumer requests it to do so.
Updates the UV.ACCOUNT file to indicate that the files in the account have
been made visible.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of John Reid
Sent: Wednesday, 28 January 2004 06:14
Subject: RE: ODBC Set Up Universe


I had the trigger on a table on a development system until it got
overwritten on the week-end. However, we never had a file named
HS_FILE_ACCESS.  I had created it, but I don't feel that its presence had
much to do with whatever success I had. Is it supposed to 'MATERIALIZE'?

My objective is to create a trigger on an existing file.  Try as I might, I
am unable to re-create what I did before.  Could someone go over the steps
one more time?  And possibly, could someone state the function of the

I'm not against reading what ever I need to read, but it seems that at least
some people have had negative rewards for their reading efforts.
john reid

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