I borrowed a soul from a current passport user. I have avoided getting a Passport 
account for years now, and don't plan on enrolling in one anytime in the near future. 

Don Verhagen

Donald Verhagen                       1690 S Congress Avenue, Suite 210
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           Delray Beach, FL 33445  USA
Tandem Staffing Solutions, Inc.  Voice Phone: 561.454.3592
Senior Programmer                      Fax Phone: 561.454.3640

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9:58:52 AM 01/28/2004 >>>
Actually that's a very interesting point, especially considering 
Microsoft just made their Services for Unix toolkit available for $0 
(plus a piece of your soul: Passport account required).  That would get 
sh working.

Kesselhut, Lothar wrote:

> Probably a little over the top for this problem, and apologies if this was
> already suggested, but you could also use a real shell instead of CMD. We've
> used Hamilton C shell for over six years. You also get a full Unix-like
> suite of commands (grep, cat, tar, ls, etc.)
>             www.hamiltonlabs.com <http://www.hamiltonlabs.com/> 
> This isn't free, but Cygwin is. Both work fine with UniVerse.
> Lothar Kesselhut
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, 28 January 2004 1:54 PM
> To: 'U2 Users Discussion List'
> Subject: UNCLASSIFIED RE: mkdbfile: create file in another account
> Kate
> You may be striking a bug in the UV "dos /c ..." command, which has some,
> err, foibles ...
> 1)  The command string MUST be enclosed in single quotes (this is not
> documented anywhere)
>       so, you must say DOS /c '<my DOS command string', 
>       not DOS /c "<my DOS command string"
> 2)  If you try to pass a parameter enclosed in double quotes, you are in
> trouble :-(
>      So DOS /c 'blat.exe -s:"a subject with spaces" ...' just doesn't work,
> the double quotes get mangled.
> I have cases opened on both issues with IBM, and have tested a patched
> version of UV that solves the second problem.  I understand this will be
> released with the next windows 10.0.x version, and presumably included in
> the subsequent 10.1.x.  Dunno when, if ever, the documentation issue will be
> addressed.
> The work-round for the second problem that is least awful is to generate a
> batch file (DOS .bat extension) on the fly in your UniBasic program, and
> then run that .bat file from the DOS /c command.
> Call me on (04) 2371828 if you want a better explanation!
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Kate Stanton
> Sent: Wednesday, 28 January 2004 3:32 p.m.
> To: U2 Users Discussion List
> Subject: Re: mkdbfile: create file in another account
> Thanks.  That (using DOS \C rather than sh -c)  got rid of the error
> message, but it did not seem to create a file.
> Looks like I have the wrong syntax, but it is rather hard to look up the
> documentation!
> I still feel uncomfortable using an undocumented feature - no security it
> will not disappear or change.
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Daly, Mark <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> To: 'U2 Users <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Discussion List' 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:23 AM
> Subject: RE: mkdbfile: create file in another account
> Well, I just posed this question - and mkdbfile was the suggestion that won!
> However, I didn't create a VOC entry. The idea (I believe) is to execute
> this command at the OS prompt - not TCL.
> Since it looks like you're on Windows it would be something like so:
> EXECUTE 'sh -c "cd C:\BeaconUV\DevelData\XXINV\KKINV;
> ':SYSTEM(32):'\bin\mkdbfile DATA \XXINV\KKINV 30 1 4 20 50 80 1068'
>  It's not documented, since it's really an internal UV command - as opposed
> to a TCL statement of BASIC function.
> The CREATE.FILE verb needs to be enhanced to perform this function - and
> prevent us from dabbling in the 'bin' directory. But until then - this is
> the way to go.
> HTH,
> Mark.
>  ----Original Message-----
> From: Kate Stanton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 4:17 PM
> Subject: mkdbfile: create file in another account
> Does anyone know anything about using mkdbfile (from UV bin) to create a
> file in an account other than the current user account?
> A colleague told me about it, but it does not seem to be documented, and
> does not seem to work on my  
>  UV 10.0.17 system on Windows 2000, as it does on his UV on Windows
> something.
> I tried, according to his instructions:
> VOC mkdbfile
> 0001: V
> 0002: mkdbfile
> 0003: E
> 0004: FG
> 0005:
> Then, from TCL: mkdbfile C:\BeaconUV\DevelData\XXINV\KKINV 30 1 4 20 50 80
> 1068
> where:
> C:\BeaconUV\DevelData\XXINV\KKINV is pathname of file to create
> 30 is file type
> 1 is modulo
> 4 is separation
> 20 is hash type
> 50 is max load
> 80 is split load
> 1096 is large record size
> This gave error message: invalid filetype specified
> I feel very nervous about using something that is not documented, so
> presumably may not be reliably supported.
> Anyone know anything, please?
> Cheers,  Kate
> Kate Stanton
> Walstan Systems Ltd
> 4 Kelmarna Ave, Herne Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
> ph +64 9 360 5310  fax +64 9 376 0750
> ah +64 9 378 9594
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