> How can I capture the system date/time in a variable through 
> paragraph For e.g. if i need- To create a a record in como 
> file with id include date and time of run
> Like:  RUN.13203.7145.COMO

I love paragraphs (& despise procs, truth be told), but I do wish there
was slightly more functionality built into PAs.

Over the years I have written a few general utilities to extend
paragraphs a bit; for example, capturing info into a paragraph variable
(aka "inline prompt").

There is a basic function called ILPROMPT.   It will load an inline
So I created a verb, a catalogued basic program, that calls that
function according the command line instructions.  For example, in the

   IL.PROMPT.DEF <today> @DATE

will end up effectively doing:

   DUM = ILPROMPT( '<<A,today>>' )
(with a few safeguards regarding HUSH, BREAK, & existing DATA)

So paragraph looks like:
   ILPROMPT.DEF <today>        @DATE
   ILPROMPT.DEF <current time> @TIME
   ILPROMPT.DEF <user no>>     @USERNO
   COMO ON <<C1,PA>>.<<today>>.<<current time>>.<<user no>>

(By the way, I also make it a habit of extracting the paragraph name
from the command line for use as como names, or in report headings,
For example:

    * <<C1,PA>>
    COMO ON <<PA>>. . .
    SETPTR . . . AS <<PA>>. . .
    LIST . . . HEADING "<<PA>>'G'Report Title . . . " . . .

Chuck Stevenson

P.S. My verb can also replicate the <<R(" "),...>> functionality,
populating the variable from an active or saved list.  
For example, use SHOW to present a picklist for the user, then apply
user's choices to selection criteria:

    SSELECT some.table.of.codes
    SHOW some.table.of.codes DESCRIPTION _
       HEADING "...Choose applicable codes:" _
       TO 1
    ILPROMPT.DEF <applicable codes> FROM 1 (" ")
    SELECT file WITH CODE = "<<applicable codes>>" . . .

Which is a fancier, safer form of:
     SELECT file WITH CODE = "<<R(" "),applicable codes>>" . . .

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