Hi Foo

Could it be an application problem.  It sounds like an application is
adding data to a possible type 1 file as a log or a como file or even a
print job and it is growing to an enormous size consuming resources.
There might be some other application that has gone rogue.   Can you
identify the time this problem started and relate it to a program that
was updated.  Can you identify a user who is using a lot of the
resources and find out what they are doing.


David Jordan

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Foo Chia Teck
Sent: Friday, 16 April 2004 4:22 PM
Subject: Performance Degraded running u10.0.0 in Aix 5.2 ML 2


We are facing performance degraded when running Universe 10.0.0 in AIX
5L 5.2. 

A bit intro on hardware specs. We are using pSeries 650 running on SMP 2
Power4 processor with 4GB of RAM, 4GB Paging size and RAID5 SSA Hard

My Universe configuration as below:

Current tunable parameter settings:
     MFILES         =   300
     T30FILE        =   200
     OPENCHK        =   1
     WIDE0          =   0x3dc00000
     UVSPOOL        =   /uvspool1
     UVTEMP         =   /uvtmp1
     SCRMIN         =   3
     SCRMAX         =   5
     SCRSIZE        =   512
     QDEPTH         =   16
     HISTSTK        =   99
     QSRUNSZ        =   2000
     QSBRNCH        =   4
     QSDEPTH        =   8
     QSMXKEY        =   32
     TXMODE         =   0
     LOGBLSZ        =   512
     LOGBLNUM       =   8
     LOGSYCNT       =   0
     LOGSYINT       =   0
     TXMEM          =   32
     OPTMEM         =   64
     SELBUF         =   4
     ULIMIT         =   128000
     FSEMNUM        =   23
     GSEMNUM        =   97
     PSEMNUM        =   64
     FLTABSZ        =   11
     GLTABSZ        =   75
     RLTABSZ        =   75
     RLOWNER        =   300
     PAKTIME        =   5
     NETTIME        =   5
     QBREAK         =   1
     VDIVDEF        =   1
     UVSYNC         =   1
     BLKMAX         =   131072
     PICKNULL       =   0
     SYNCALOC       =   1
     MAXRLOCK       =   74
     ISOMODE        =   1
     PKRJUST        =   0
     PROCACMD       =   0
     PROCRCMD       =   0
     PROCPRMT       =   0
     ALLOWNFS       =   0
     CSHDISPATCH    =   /bin/csh
     SHDISPATCH     =   /bin/sh
     LAYERSEL       =   0
     OCVDATE        =   0
     MODFPTRS       =   1
     THDR512        =   0
     UDRMODE        =   0
     UDRBLKS        =   0
     MAXERRLOGENT   =   100
     JOINBUF        =   4095
     64BIT_FILES    =   0
     TSTIMEOUT      =   60
     MAXKEYSIZE     =   255
     SMISDATA       =   0
     EXACTNUMERIC   =   15
     CENTURYPIVOT   =   1930
     SPINTRIES      =   0
     SPINSLEEP      =   10000
     CONVERT_EURO   =   0
     SYSTEM_EURO    =   164
     TERM_EURO      =   164
     SQLNULL        =   128

When the uv restarted it run fine for a day before it used up all the
CPU and memory resources. A fast check on 'topas' show CPU resources
used up for Kernel and User. There are no free resources on Wait and
Idle. Around 70% of the CPU resources used for User and 30% used for

On memory side, seem all the physical memory had been consumed up. Even
Paging space also been used. A quick snapshot on the memory from 'topas'

 Real,MB    4095
 % Comp     22.4
 % Noncomp  76.2
 % Client   75.1

 Size,MB    4096
 % Used      1.4
 % Free     98.5

When all the physical resources are fully occupied, the Universe
processing become slow. The only thing I can do now is to restart
Universe when the performance degraded?

Are there any performance tuning we need to do on the OS to prevent this
issue? Or is there any known issue with this version of Universe?

Please assist me to solve this problem.



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