*Open PhD Position*

 Distributed and augmented vehicle perception to support autonomous driving


·       Franck DAVOINE, CNRS researcher

·       Thierry DENOEUX, Professor

Heudiasyc laboratory, UMR 7253 CNRS / Université de Technologie de
Compiègne, Labex MS2T, Sorbonne Universités, Compiègne, France.

*PhD thesis description:*

Today, driver assistance systems have entered the market, with successes
like adaptive cruise control and lane keeping assistance. Despite this,
much research and development efforts are still necessary to go toward
autonomous driving with complex tasks to perform (e.g. overtaking and lane
changing on motorways, or crossing intersections in urban areas). The
development of these systems relies on multi-sensory perception functions,
communication, information processing, automatic and adaptive learning.

Vehicles so-called “smart” or “intelligent” have variable capabilities in
terms of self-localization, perception of the driving environment or even
prediction of trajectories of other traffic participants. They can take
advantage of perceptual or intentional information exchanged with other
road users (e.g. vehicles, pedestrians or bicycles) to augment their field
of view and situational awareness of the dynamic traffic scene.
Furthermore, vehicles can exploit information provided by roadside units,
by the infrastructure, or high-level context given by digital maps.

The goal of this PhD thesis is to improve the performance of perception
algorithms. The research will build on our previous works on multimodal
information fusion for driving scene labeling and object detection [1,2,3].
In a first phase, new solutions based on deep learning architectures will
be investigated, to improve the detection of “difficult objects” in the
scene (small, blurred, occluded). In a second phase, the candidate will
work on the definition of useful information that, when exchanged with
other traffic participants or with the infrastructure, will help to augment
the perception of the vehicle. Uncertainties about these descriptors must
be estimated (e.g. uncertainty about the class of moving objects detected
in scene, their position, their trajectory in the 3D scene, etc.). Such
information will be represented in a common frame, and combined with the
information extracted in a standalone way from on-board sensors.

Tests and evaluations will be done through different scenarios (e.g.
crossroads, overtaking or roundabout), in close collaboration with
Heudiasyc researchers working in the field of machine learning, driving
scene perception, uncertainty modeling and distributed information fusion
in vehicular ad hoc networks. Furthermore, the developed perception methods
will be evaluated using public datasets, and on data acquired with
Heudiasyc lab’s experimental vehicles.

*Keywords*: Multimodal perception, computer vision, scene labeling, deep
learning, distributed information fusion, uncertainties.

[1] Ph. Xu, F. Davoine, J.-B. Bordes, H. Zhao, T. Denœux, Multimodal
Information Fusion for Urban Scene Understanding, Machine Vision and
Applications, To appear, 2015.

[2] Ph. Xu, F. Davoine, and T. Denœux, Evidential combination of pedestrian
detectors, BMVC - British Machine Vision Conference, Nottingham, UK, Sept.
1-5, 2014.

[3] Ph. Xu, F. Davoine, and T. Denœux, Evidential Logistic Regression for
Binary SVM Classifier Calibration, Belief - Third International Conference
on Belief Functions, Oxford, UK, Sept. 26-28, 2014.

*Dates:* position open from September to December 2015 (earlier or later
start dates can be negotiable).

*Context:* The candidate will join an ambitious project that will open
doors to a career in international science. He or she will be based in the
Heudiasyc laboratory in Compiègne (located along the Oise river, 45 minutes
by train from central Paris). Heudiasyc is a joint lab with CNRS – the
national center for scientific research – and the *Université de
Technologie de Compiègne*. In 2011, it was rated A+ (the highest rate) by
the French national research evaluation agency. Heudiasyc fosters
interdisciplinary research on information science and technology including
machine learning, uncertain reasoning, operations research, robotics and
knowledge management. In 2011, Heudiasyc was awarded with a project of
excellence on the «Control of Technological Systems of Systems» (Labex
MS2T), funded by the "Investment for the future" national program. The
laboratory has strong relations with the automotive industry and advanced
international research teams in intelligent vehicles. The PhD project will
include collaborations with international academic partners and with

The studentship is funded for 3 years by the Labex (currently 1700€ per
month -- gross salary). Affordable housing is easy to find in Compiegne.

*Candidate profile:*

·       Master degree (preferably in Computer Science or Applied

·       Solid programming skills; the project involves programming in C,
C++, Matlab, Python…

·       Solid mathematics knowledge (especially linear algebra and

·       Creative and highly motivated.

·       Fluent in English, both written and spoken;

·       Prior knowledge in the areas of computer vision or machine learning
is a plus.


Applicants should send to: franck.davo...@hds.utc.fr (best as a single PDF

·       Detailed Curriculum vitae

·       Master graduation marks as well as ranks

·       Motivation letter for the PhD project

·       Name and email addresses of two references

(Eligible candidates will be invited for a SKYPE interview).


Laboratory Heudiasyc UMR CNRS 7253

Université de Technologie de Compiègne

Centre de recherche de Royallieu

BP 20529 Rue Personne de Roberval

60205 Compiègne cedex –France

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