AIME 2017 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Vienna, Austria June 21-24, 2017 

The European Society for Artificial Intelligence in MEdicine (AIME), 
established in 1986, has been organizing a series of international conferences. 
AIME17 <> will be a unique opportunity to present 
and improve the international state of the art of AI in medicine from 
perspectives of theory, methodology, and application. For this purpose, AIME 
2017 will include invited lectures, full and short papers, tutorials, 
workshops, and a doctoral consortium. 

For the complete program see program 
<>, and the Eventbase 
app (AIME2017) ( 

Early conference registration is until 27, April.  Register via the 
registration form 

The program at a glance:

June 21st, 2017 
Doctoral Consortium
Tutorials (1/2 day):

 1. Natural Language Processing for Clinical Information Extraction 
Stéphane Meystre <>, Meliha Yetisgen, Scott DuVall, Hua 

 2. Latest speech & signal processing for affective and behavioral computing in 
mHealth <>, 
Bjorn Schuller, Bodgan Vlasenko <>, Hesam 

 3. Evaluation of Prediction models in Medicine 
Ameen Abu-Hanna <>
 4. Medical Decision Analysis with Probabilistic Graphical Models, 
Francisco Javier Diez <>, Manuel Luque

 5. Clinical fuzzy control systems and fuzzy automata with HL7's clinical 
decision support standard: The Fuzzy Arden Syntax 
<>, Jeroen de Bruin 
<>, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig 
June 22nd-23rd, 2017    Main Conference 

Invited speakers <>: 

- Stefan Schulz (University Graz) "Annotating clinical narratives with SNOMED 
CT:  The thorny way towards interoperability of clinical routine data". 

- Ken Barker (T. J. Watson Research Center IBM). "Collaborative, Exploratory 
Question Answering against Medical Literature”.

June 24th, 2017 
Workshops (1/1 day):

1. Joint International Workshop KR4HC 2017 - ProHealth 2017 
<> ,
David Riano <>, Richard Lenz, Manfred Reichert

2. Second Workshop on Extracting and Processing of Rich Semantics from Medical 
Texts <>,
Kerstin Denecke <>, Yihan Deng, Thierry Declerck, 
Frank van Harmelen
3. Artificial Intelligence for Diabetes 
Beatriz López <mailto:beatriz.lopez@udg.educemartin>, Clare Martin <mailto:>, 
Pau Herrero Vinas <<a>
4. Advanced predictive models in healthcare 
Niels Peek <>, Gregor Štiglic 
<>, Nophar Geifman, Petra Povalej Brzan, Matthew 


Kind regards, 

The AIME’17 organising team

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