*Call for Papers47 JAIIOOrganized by Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad
de Palermo, SADIOSeptember 3rd-7th, 2017Ciudad de Buenos Aires,
ArgentinaASAI - Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (JAIIO)SADIO
organizes this event that aims at bringing the Artificial Intelligence
communities of Latin America in general and Argentina in particular in a
forum to discuss ideas, experiences and research results among educators,
researchers, students and industry representatives. The event is part of
the 47 JAIIO. It will take place in the  Facultad de Ingeniería -
Universidad de Palermo from September 3rd to September 7th 2018, with the
collaboration of the Argentinean Association of Artificial Intelligence
(AAIA). The event seeks for original contributions in the areas of
Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research, including academic
research as well as influential industrial and business applications that
yield lessons learned from their development.In order to bring the academic
and professional sectors together, companies, professionals, educators and
researchers are invited and encouraged to contribute with submissions
following the traditional research work format as well as with concrete
applications, case studies, specific tools, technology transfer activities
and practical research experience reports related to the themes of the
symposium. This type of work can be submitted in any of the modalities
mentioned below.Topics of interest:Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of
interest for submissions include: - Intelligent agents and multi-agent
systems- Smart environments- Machine learning- Automated reasoning-
Knowledge representation- Bio-inspired computing- Natural language
processing and linguistic computing- Artificial neural networks- Fuzzy
logic- Expert systems and knowledge-based systems- Artificial life- Pattern
recognition- Artificial intelligence in data analysis- Clustering-
Artificial vision- Data mining- Decision support system- Formal and
empirical aspects of artificial intelligence- Computer interaction-
Personalization and recommendation systems- Planning and scheduling-
Robotics- Innovative applications of artificial intelligence: big-data,
bioinformatics and biological computing, education, social networks,
virtual reality, etc.Important dates:Submission deadline: April 13,
2018.Notification of acceptance: June 22, 2018.Deadline for author
registration: July 09, 2018.Deadline for camera-ready papers submission:
July 09, 2018.Conference dates: September 03-07, 2018.Accepted papers:The
evaluation will follow the same standards of previous ASAI. Accepted papers
will be published in the symposium proceedings. The best papers from ASAI
will be invited to an special issue of SADIO Electronic Journal and Revista
Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial (http://journal.iberamia.org
<http://journal.iberamia.org>), both of them indexed in Latindex.At least
one of the authors of  the accepted article must be registered in JAIIO
before the deadline for sending the camera-ready version. In addition,
authors are expected to attend the symposium on the date and time indicated
for presenting the accepted article. Please note that articles whose author
does not attend the presentation will be removed from the proceedings.
Eventually, authors can authorize a third-party as an alternate presenter
of the article  Submission format:All contributions should be submitted in
PDF format and should use the LNCS paper size available in:
<http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html>. Contributions should be
written in Spanish, Portuguese or English. They will be reviewed by an
international Program Committee with members coming from academia and
industry. The final program and proceedings will only include papers with
at least one author registered in the AUTHOR category of the conference
before the camera-ready submission deadline.Four types of contributions are
possible:Full papers up to 14 pages, describing original work that has not
been previously published, accepted for publication nor is currently under
review. These papers will undergo a review process and those that are
accepted will be presented orally during the conference and published in
the JAIIO proceedings.Short papers up to 4 pages, describing ongoing
research work. These papers will undergo a review process and those that
are accepted will be presented orally during the conference and published
in the JAIIO proceedings.Communications. Through this type of contribution,
authors are expected to inform the community about recent publications in
high-impact journals or international conferences. Contributions must be
written in English and should consist of the title, authors’ names,
affiliations, abstract and the name of the venue where the article has been
published. The communication must be no longer than 1 page. Accepted
communications will be presented orally during the conference but only the
abstract will be published in the JAIIO proceedings.Extended Abstract for
Software Companies (Poster Track).  This type of contribution provides an
opportunity for professionals in the software industry to present and
discuss their latest developments, ideas, ongoing research, experiences and
challenges in AI. The submission must include an extended abstract, with a
maximum recommended length of 2 pages, including all texts, annexes and
figures. The main evaluation criteria include the relevance and quality of
the proposed poster in terms of originality, relevance, technical soundness
and the quality of the presentation. The goal of this common space is to
encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences among participants of  the
symposium. The abstract is included in the Proceedings of the
JAIIO.Chairs:Guillermo Rodríguez (ISISTAN CONICET-UNICEN, Tandil,
Argentina)Carlos Catania (Ingeniería, UNCuyo, Mendoza, Argentina)Program
Committee: - Silvana Aciar (Instituto de Informática, Universidad Nacional
de San Juan, Argentina)- Enrique Marcelo Albornoz (sinc(i) UNL-CONICET,
Argentina)- Hector Allende-Cid (Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Valparaíso, Chile )- Miguel Alonso (Universidade da Coruña, España)- Laura
Alonso Alemany (FaMAF - UNC, Argentina)- Marcelo Armentano (ISISTAN-UNICEN,
CONICET, Argentina)- Juan Carlos Augusto (Middlesex University,
Inglaterra)- Ricardo Azambuja Silveira (Universidade Federal de Santa
Catarina, Brasil)- Ariel Baya (CIFASIS, Argentina)- Ana Bazzan (UFRGS,
Brasil )- Luis Berdún (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)- Flávia Cristina
Bernardini (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil)- Blai Bonet
(Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela)- Andreia Bonfante (Universidade
Federal de Mato Grosso, Brasil)- Facundo Bromberg (UTN-FRM, DHARMA,
Argentina)- Maximiliano Budán (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)- María Laura
Caliusco (CIDISI-UTN Santa Fé, Argentina)- Ana Casali (CIFASIS and
FCEIA-UNR, Argentina)- Laura Cecchi (Universidad Nacional del Comahue,
Argentina)- Rocío Cecchini (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)- Carlos Iván
Chesñevar (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)- Marcos Evandro Cintra
(Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)- Andrea Cohen (ICIC CONICET-UNS,
Argentina)- Alejandro Corbellini (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)- Omar
Cortes (IFMA, Brasi)- Fernando Das Neves (Universidad Austral, Snoop
Consulting, Argentina)- Cristhian Ariel Deagustini (ICIC CONICET-UNS,
Argentina)- Edgardo Ferretti (Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina)-
Alejandro García (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)- Miguel Garcia Torres
(Universidad Pablo de Olavide, España)- Isabela Gasparini (Universidade
Estadual de Santa Catarina, Brasil)- Hector Geffner (ICREA & Universitat
Pompeu Fabra, España)- Matias Gerard (sinc(i) UNL-CONICET, Argentina)-
Daniela Godoy (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)- María Paula Gonzalez
(ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)- Sebastián Gottifredi (ICIC CONICET-UNS,
Argentina)- Pablo Granitto (CIFASIS, CONICET, Argentina)- Carlos Greg Diuk,
(Facebook, Estados Unidos)- Guillermo Grinblat (CIFASIS, CONICET,
Argentina)- María Gutiérrez (UTN, Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Argentina)-
Gabriela Henning (INTECT-UNL, Argentina)- Wagner Igarashi (UNIOESTE,
Brasil)- Mónica Larese (CIFASIS, CONICET)- Huei Lee (Universidade Estadual
do Oeste do Paraná - Unioeste, Brasil)- Isaac Lera (UIB, España)- Martín
Marchetta (UNCUYO, Argentina)- César Martinez (sinc(i) UNL-CONICET, UNER)-
Diego Humberto Milone (Universidad Nacional del Litoral - CONICET,
Argentina)- Francisco Javier Montero (Universidad Complutense, España)-
Ariel Monteserin (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)- Juan Matías Novas
(FaMAF - UNC, Argentina)- José Eduardo Ochoa Luna (Universidad Católica San
Pablo, Brasil)- Ana Carolina Olivera (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia
Austral, Argentina)- Leticia M. Peres (Federal University of Paraná,
 Brasil)- Sebastián Pérez (UTN-FRM, DHARMA, Argentina)- Diego Pinto
(Facultad Politécnica, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay)- Ignacio
Ponzoni (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)- Mariano Rubiolo (sinc(i)
UNL-CONICET, UTN-FRSF, Argentina)- Silvia Schiaffino (ISISTAN-UNICEN,
CONICET, Argentina)- Gerardo Simari (ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)- Mauricio
Solar (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria)- Guillermo Ricardo Simari
(ICIC CONICET-UNS, Argentina)- Axel Soto (University of Manchester,
Inglaterra)- Georgina Stegmayer (sinc(i) UNL-CONICET, UTN, Argentina)-
Gustavo Vazquez (Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Uruguay)- Leandro
Vignolo (sinc(i) UNL-CONICET, Argentina)- Cynthia Villalba (Facultad
Politécnica, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay)- Eduardo Xamena
(Facultad de Cs.Exactas, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina)-
Virginia Yannibeli (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET, Argentina)- Cecilia Zanni-Merk
(INSA Rouen, Francia)- Alejandro Zunino (ISISTAN-UNICEN, CONICET,
Argentina) Contact information:For further information visit
www.47jaiio.sadio.org.ar <http://www.47jaiio.sadio.org.ar> or send email
to: a...@47jaiio.sadio.org.ar <a...@47jaiio.sadio.org.ar>*

Dr. Guillermo H. Rodríguez
Investigador Adjunto de CONICET
ISISTAN Research Institute
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires
Campus Universitario - Paraje Arroyo Seco, (B7001BBO) Tandil
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Office phone: +54 (249) 4439682
E-MAIL: guillermo.rodrig...@isistan.unicen.edu.ar
WWW: http://www.isistan.unicen.edu.ar/?author=24
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