IWAISe 2018

2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Security

An ECML Workshop Dublin, Ireland, September 2018



Submission Deadline: Monday, July 16, 2018

Notification of Acceptance: Monday, July 30, 2018

Camera-ready Deadline: Monday, August 6, 2018

Call for Papers

Artificial intelligence has an important role to play in improving the
resilience of society to both digital and physical threats, and in
safeguarding the privacy of individuals, as the world becomes
increasingly interconnected. Relevant AI techniques include: knowledge
representation; probabilistic reasoning; machine learning; anomaly
detection; image recognition; speech recognition; social network
analysis; and many others. For example, anomaly detection and temporal
data mining can enable the automated detection of physical and/or
digital threats; while advances in AI for autonomous vehicles can
allow robotic vehicles to be used to secure remote locations that are
hazardous to humans, and for search and rescue. AI for physical
security is also being successfully used in homeland security

To date the physical and digital security communities have limited
opportunities to share their research findings and to engage with the
wider AI community. This workshop will to bring together academic
researchers and industry practitioners in a single location, to
present and discuss their new research. It will also provide an
opportunity for attendees to highlight current challenges in AI for
digital and physical security, propose multi-disciplinary solutions,
and showcase the application of AI in this domain.

This workshop seeks novel research, case studies ,survey papers and
system demos in topics that include, but are not limited to, the

Security Analytics:
Machine Learning; Security Threat Detection and Visualization; Future
Threat Inference; Situational Awareness Monitoring; Automated Message
Monitoring; Security Decision Support; Network Event Detection

Applications of AI to: Digital Currencies; Secure Payments; Detection
of Tax Evasion or Money Laundering; etc

Automated Physical Evidence Gathering; Data and Network Analysis;
Digital Forensic Tools; Decision Support for Rare Events

Images, Text & Networks:
Automated Crowd Scanning; Video Analytics; Damage Assessment;
Automatic Detection of Hate Speech and Radicalisation on Social Media;
Security Sentiment Analysis

Physical Security:
Automated Monitoring of Secure Locations; Automated Threat Detection;
Crisis Management; Sensor Data Analytics; Spatio-Temporal Reasoning;
Reasoning from Distributed, Dissimilar and Noisy Data Stream

Digital Security:
AI for Detection and Mitigation of Threats Such as: Spear Phishing;
Social Engineering; Botnets; Intrusion, as well as AI methods for
improving Penetration Testing

Software Engineering:
AI Applied to: Design for Security; Program Analysis; Fault Detection;
Compiler and Language Design; Verification of Privacy and Security
Compliance; Adaptive Security/Privacy

Securing Remote or Restricted Locations; Operations in Remote or
Dangerous locations; Roboguards; Search and Rescue

Privacy and Identity:
Biometrics; Face Recognition; Innovative Cryptography; Anonymization
and De-anonymization; Ethics of AI for Security


   Michael G. Madden, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland

   Noa Agmon, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

   Barry O’Sullivan, University College Cork, Ireland

   Jo Ueyama , University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

   Brett Drury, LIAAD-INESC-TEC. Portugal

Regards Brett

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