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= = = Call for Papers  -- WellComp 2018 --  (First International Workshop on 
Computing for Well-Being) = = =

in conjunction with ACM UbiComp 2018
Singapore, Singapore
Submission Deadline: July 27, 2018  23:59 (AoE timezone)
Workshop Date: October 8, 2018

Workshop Theme and Goals
In the advancing ubiquitous computing age, computing technology has already 
spread into many aspects of our daily lives, such as office work, home and 
house-keeping, health management, transportation, or even cities. We have been 
experiencing that much of the influence from those technologies are both 
contributing better quality of life (QoL) of our individual and organizational 
lives, and causing new types of stress and pain at the same time. The term 
“well-being” has recently has gained attention as a term that covers our 
general happiness and even more concrete good conditions in our lives, such as 
physical, psychological, and social wellness.

An increasing number of researchers, engineers, and people are paying attention 
to how their work can contribute to the better quality of lives, social good, 
and well-being. In spite of recent activities in the academia and the society, 
unified academic research activities on computing and well-being is anticipated 
within the ubicomp research community. Active research not only in the HCI 
domain but in various other ubicomp research areas (systems, mobile/wearable 
sensing, mobile computing, persuasive applications and services, behavior 
change, etc.) are needed towards drawing the big picture of “computing for 
well-being” from different viewpoints and layers of computing. For example, an 
additional viewpoint of users’ well-being in activity recognition researches 
may invent new types of applications that comprehensively cover different types 
of recognition of user’s physical, mental and social activities. Ever since 
Mark Weiser introduced the term of ubiquitous computing, the ubiquity of 
computing in our daily lives and the society has been certainly progressing. 
Now it is time for the community to more seriously envision the benefits that 
such computing technologies can bring.

Users of digital devices are increasingly confronted with a tremendous amount 
of notifications that appear on multiple devices and screens in their 
environment. If a user owns a smartphone, a tablet, a smartwatch and a laptop 
and an email-client is installed on all of these devices an incoming e-mail 
produces up to four notifications – one on each device. In the future, we will 
receive notifications from all our ubiquitous devices. Therefore, we need a 
smart attention management for incoming notifications. One way for a less 
interrupting attention management could be the use of ambient representations 
of incoming notifications.

In this workshop, we will bring together people from industry and academia who 
are active in the areas of activity recognition, mental health, social good, 
context-awareness and ubiquitous computing. The main objective of WellComp 2018 
is to share the latest research in various areas in computing, related to 
users’ physical, mental, and social well- being.  

The topics of interest include -but are not limited- to the following:
        •       Definition and representation of well-being in computing

        •       Predictive modeling of well-being metric and computational 

        •       Systems with well-being-awareness

        •       Measurement of well-being with ubicomp technologies

        •       Management of physical wellness and well-being

        •       Management of mental health and well-being

        •       Management of social good and well-being

        •       Innovative well-being applications

        •       Behavior design / feedback design for well-being application

        •       Computing and well-being of children, disabilities, or elderly 

        •       People's well-being in various situations (e.g., smart home, 
smart cities and connected communities, classes)

        •       People's well-being and new types of community driven by ICT 
(e.g., sharing economy)

Submission details
A paper should have a length of 2 to 4 pages in the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts 
format and will be reviewed by at least two workshop organizers. Successful 
submissions will have the potential to raise discussion, provide insights for 
other attendees, and illustrate open challenges and potential solutions. All 
accepted publications will be published on the workshop website and in the ACM 
Digital Library. At least one author of each accepted paper needs to register 
for the conference and the workshop itself. During the workshop, each paper 
will be presented briefly by one of the authors. In addition, there will be 
room for demonstrations as well as discussions. Any questions should be mailed 
to wellcomp-org [AT] ht.sfc.keio.ac.jp. 
More details can be found on the workshop website: http://WellComp.org/

Important Dates
July 27, 2018 - Submission Deadline **extended**  (23:59 AoE)
August 10, 2018 - Notification of Acceptance
August 17, 2018 – Camera-ready Submission Deadline
October 8, 2018 - Workshop Date

Organizing Committee ( wellcomp-org [AT] ht.sfc.keio.ac.jp )
Tadashi Okoshi (Keio University)
Jin Nakazawa (Keio University)
JeongGil Ko (Ajou University)
Fahim Kawsar (Nokia Bell Labs.)
Susanna Pirttikangas (University of Oulu)

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