Call for Participation
International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM 2018)
Prague, September 11 - 14, 2018
The conference website:

PGM 2018 is the ninth edition of the International Conference on
Probabilistic Graphical Models. It will take place in Prague (Czechia,
EU) between the 11th and the 14th of September 2018. It welcomes
contributions on all aspects of graphical models including probabilistic
reasoning, decision making, learning and data mining. Both theoretical
and applied contributions are welcome.

::: Accepted papers :::

From the 71 submitted papers 45 papers were accepted for the presentation
at the conference either as oral presentations or as posters.
Few additional papers still wait for the final approval after a revision.
The list of all currently accepted papers is available at:

::: Important dates :::

August 7, 2018: Early Registration Deadline
September 11-14, 2018: The Conference Dates

::: Conference Registration :::

The Conference Registration is opened already.
The registration fees are:
* Student:  280 EUR (Early) and 360 EUR (Late)
* Standard: 380 EUR (Early) and 460 EUR (Late)
The early registration deadline is August 7, 2018.
The late registration deadline is August 28, 2018.
Registration for PGM 2018 includes the banquet on Thursday,
the welcome reception on Tuesday and three lunches.
Additional banquet tickets can be booked for 80 EUR.
Registration can be done by a credit card or by a bank transfer.

::: Accommodation :::

September is a high tourist season in Prague; therefore, we recommend to
book hotel rooms in advance. At the conference page we provide links
to hotels and hostels that offer a special discount to the participants
of the PGM conference.


The accepted papers will be published in the proceedings track of the
Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) .

::: IJAR Special Issue :::
Selected papers will be invited to be extended and then submitted
to a special issue of the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR).

We are pleased to have Steffen Lauritzen as the keynote speaker of PGM
2018. Steffen Lauritzen is Professor of Statistics at the University
of Copenhagen, Emeritus Professor of Statistics at the Department
of Statistics of the University of Oxford, UK, Emeritus Fellow
of Jesus College, Oxford, and Adjunct Professor of Statistics
at Aalborg University. Steffen Lauritzen is the author of the monograph
Graphical Models published in 1996 by Clarendon Press in Oxford. He is
one of the founders of Hugin - a leading provider of advanced decision
support software based on probabilistic graphical models. His main
research interests evolve around graphical models and their


Jirka Vomlel
skype: vomlel
tel: +420 266 052 398
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