DECOR@ICDE2019 Call for Paper

Important Dates
December 7, 2018 Abstract Submissions due
December 14, 2018 Full Paper Submissions due
January 11, 2019 Acceptance Notification
February 1, 2019 Revision Submission due
February 11, 2019 Final Notification
February 22, 2019 Camera-ready papers due
April 8, 2019 Workshop date (tentative date)

2nd International Workshop on Data Engineering meets Intelligent Food and
COoking Recipes  (DECOR) 2019
Held in conjunction with the 35th IEEE International Conference on Data
Engineering (ICDE) 2019, Macau, April 8th - 12th

About the DECOR Workshop

The Second Workshop on Data Engineering meets intelligent food and COoking
Recipes (DECOR) aims to accelerate research in
data science by providing a forum for the latest innovations in the
intersection of Data Engineering and Intelligent Food
and Cooking Recipes, concerning data and software organization,
integration, and sharing.  This workshop is specifically
focused on data science innovations that accelerate the integration,
access, and sharing of digital objects in support of
Intelligent Food and Cooking Recipes domain, which comprises not only the
process of cooking, but also includes intelligent
methods for enhancing human-food interactions, ranging from devising
technology, playful interactions, multisensory
experience design, understanding cross-cultural food eating habits and
perception, as well as  food choices and health
connections. Consequently, increasing the ability of influencing food
eating habits and choices that promote, simultaneously,
healthful eating-decisions and creative new human-food interaction

Special events:
Tentative Keynote Speakers (to be announced)
Enlightening Student session
Evening gastronomy tasting session

William Grosky
Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Michigan-Dearborn
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
Web: *
Office Phone: +1.313.583.6424
Department Phone: +1.313.436.9145
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