The*Australian National University*is launching a major new project on*Humanising Machine Intelligence*, uniting computer scientists, philosophers, and social scientists in the pursuit of a more ethical future for AI and Machine Learning.

We are currently recruiting 8*research-intensive academics, 3 of whom will be based in the Research School of Computer Science:*

-*Level*: Academic Level B  or C <> -*Salary*(AUD):**Level B: $98,009-$111,365 plus 17% superannuation,  Level C: $118,044-$131,402 plus 17% superannuation -*Duration*: 3 years, with possibility of extension to 5 years following a successful project review. Consideration will be given to tenure-track or continuing positions in exceptional circumstances (e.g. applicants already holding such a position).
-*HMI project website*:
-*How to apply:*/deadline 15 February 2019/ -*Contact:* <> <>

The goal of the HMI project is to forestall the risks posed by inadequate attention to ethics in the design of MI systems, and help to realise the tremendous social benefits promised by MI. The project has three components: (1) Discovery: formulate the design problem by identifying the social risks and opportunities of widespread reliance on MI. (2) Foundations: identify and answer the fundamental theoretical questions on which progress towards ethical MI depends. (3) Design: develop ethical algorithms and broader MI systems in partnership with industry and government.

The HMI project chief investigators are: Colin Klein, Seth Lazar and Katie Steele (Philosophy), Marcus Hutter, Sylvie Thiébaux, Bob Williamson and Lexing Xie (Computer Science), Jenny Davis (Sociology), Idione Meneghel (Economics), and Toni Erskine (Political Science).

We are looking for up to eight talented academics to help us humanise machine intelligence. Our primary criterion is demonstrated research excellence in a discipline area relevant to the project, and the clear potential to be research leaders in their disciplines and in the field of moral AI. An interdisciplinary background is not required, but successful applicants will be ready and equipped to engage with scholars from other disciplines and are expected to work actively with scholars from at least two of the project’s discipline areas.

Three of these new academics will be based in the Research School of Computer Science. Within this discipline, we strongly encourage researchers with a wide range of technical backgrounds, including but not limited to computational social choice and game theory, decision theory, information theory, logic and automated reasoning, artificial general intelligence, machine learning, optimisation, planning & scheduling, reasoning about constraints & preferences, and reinforcement learning.

Successful applicants will help us design the next generation of more ethical MI systems, in part through publishing internationally influential research in the leading peer-reviewed venues (as suited to their discipline). We expect them to become leaders in academia, industry or government. As well as conducting research at the highest level, they will help build the HMI community at ANU and globally, through convening a regular seminar series and international workshops. They will also contribute, at a reduced intensity, to the education and outreach agendas of the School, in a manner appropriate to the level of appointment.

Marcus Hutter, Professor
Australian National University
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia

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