AAMAS 2021 invites submissions to the Doctoral Consortium.

The doctoral consortium (DC) of AAMAS 2021 is intended to provide Ph.D.
students the opportunity (1) to receive feedback on their research (from
established researchers in their fields), (2) to interact closely with
established researchers/mentors, and (3) to build their professional

Each accepted student to the program will be matched with an established
researcher/mentor in the field who will assist the student with research
and career management advice. An informal lunch will be organized between
the students and their mentors allowing for in-depth discussion and

Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: January 5 (23:59 UTC-12)
- Author Notification: February 5 (23:59 UTC-12)
- Camera Ready Deadline: March 5 (23:59 UTC-12)
- Doctoral Consortium: May 3 – 4

For further details and submission instructions, please visit:
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