KDD 2021 Workshop on Online and Adaptative Recommender System (OARS)

Call For Papers


KDD OARS is a full day workshop taking place on Aug 14-18th, 2021 in 
conjunction with KDD 2021 in Singapore.

Workshop website:  https://oars-workshop.github.io/

Important Dates:


- Submissions Due -  May 19th, 2021

- Notification -  June 10th, 2021

- Camera Ready Version of Papers Due -  August 1st, 2021

- KDD OARS Full day Workshop -  August 14-18th, 2021



The KDD workshop on online and adaptative recommender systems (OARS) will serve 
as a platform for publication and discussion of OARS. This workshop will bring 
together practitioners and researchers from academia and industry, to discuss 
the challenges and approaches to implement OARS algorithms and systems and 
improve user experience by better modeling and responding to user intent.

Many recommender systems deployed in the real world rely on categorical 
user-profiles and/or pre-calculated recommendation actions that stay static 
during a user session. Recent trends suggest that recommender systems should 
model user intent in real time and constantly adapt to meet user needs at the 
moment or change user behavior in situ. In addition, various techniques have 
been proposed to help recommender systems adapt to new users, items, or 
behaviors. Some strategies to build “adaptive” recommenders include:

  *   Systems for online training, e.g. updating the parameters of a 
pre-trained model to a new user.
  *   Feature-based systems that handle cold-start scenarios, and can 
gracefully adapt to a combination of cold- and warm users/items.
  *   Systems that avoid modeling users at all (e.g. session-based recommenders 
that directly learn from item interactions without needing user terms)
  *   Systems that adapt to new behaviors through RL or other adaptive learning 

We invite submission of papers and posters of two to ten pages (including 
references), representing original research, preliminary research results, 
proposals for new work, and position and opinion papers. All submitted papers 
and posters will be single-blind and will be peer reviewed by an international 
program committee of researchers of high repute.  Accepted submissions will be 
presented at the workshop.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


Novel algorithms and paradigms

- online and adaptive neural recommender

- reinforcement learning (on-policy, off-policy, offline RL, and other relevant 

- online/streaming learning

- interactive and conversational recommender

- extreme classification

- graph recommender


- product recommendation

- content recommendation

- ads recommendation

- fashion and decor recommendation

- job recommendation

- intervention/behavior change/healthy life-style recommendation

User modeling and representations

- implicit and explicit user intent modeling

- dynamic user intent modeling

- visual/style/taste modeling

- combination of in-session intent with long term user interest

- incorporation of knowledge graph

- representation learning

Architecture and Infrastructure

- scalability of neural methods for large scale real-time recommendations

- steaming and event-driven processing infrastructures

Evaluation and explanation methodologies

- evaluation, comparison, explanation of OARS for a recommendation task

- off-policy and counterfactual evaluation

Social and user impact

- UX for OARS

- welfare and objectives of OARS (CTR, dwell-time, diversity, multi-objectives, 
long term objectives)

- privacy and ethics considerations

Submission Instructions:


All papers will be peer reviewed (single-blind) by the program committee and 
judged by their relevance to the workshop, especially to the main themes 
identified above, and their potential to generate discussion.

All submissions must be formatted according to the ACM template guidelines 

Submissions must describe work that is not previously published, not accepted 
for publication elsewhere, and not currently under review elsewhere.  All 
submissions must be in English.

Please note that at least one of the authors of each accepted paper must 
register for the workshop and attend the online session to present the paper 
during the workshop.

Submissions to KDD OARS workshop should be made at 



Xiquan Cui                                          The Home Depot, USA

Estelle Afshar                                   The Home Depot, USA

Khalifeh Al-Jadda                             The Home Depot, USA

Srijan Kumar                                     Georgia Institute of 
Technology, USA

Julian McAuley                                 UCSD, USA

Kamelia Aryafar                                Google Inc, USA

Vachik Dave                                      Walmart Labs, USA

Mohammad Korayem                       CareerBuilder, Canada

Tao Ye                                               Amazon, USA

Contact: Please direct all your queries to xiquan_...@homedepot.com for help.

Xiquan Cui
Manager of Online Data Science
Office: (770)433-8211 x80588

The Home Depot
320 Interstate North Pkwy SE, Atlanta, GA 30339


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