
Call for Participation: AIME 2021

15-18 June 2021

The AIME 2021 conference will be an online event on June 15-18, 2021. As 
previous AIME conferences (from Pavia in 1985 to the US in 2020) it will be a 
unique opportunity to present significant theoretical, methodological and 
applied results related to the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in 
medicine. AIME 2021 will include two invited lectures, full and short papers, 
tutorials, workshops, and a doctoral consortium.

Registration Fees are outlined below:

  *   Regular: Main conference (including Doctoral Consortium, Workshops and 
Tutorials) € 100
  *   Student: Main conference (including Doctoral Consortium, Workshops and 
Tutorials) € 50

The meeting will be published in the prestigious Lecture Notes in AI. We are 
pleased to announce that a subset of highly evaluated AIME submissions will be 
considered for an extended version in a special issue of the highly prestigious 
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Journal

Invited Speakers:

  *   Professor Virgina Dignum, Professor, Wallenberg chair on Responsible 
Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Director of WASP-HS (Humanities and 
Society): "Responsible AI: from principles to action"
  *   Dr. Pearse Keane, Associate Professor, Institute of Ophthalmology, UCL, 
Consultant, Moorfields Eye Hospital: "Transforming healthcare using deep 
learning - lessons from ophthalmology”

Dr Allan Tucker
Head of Intelligent Data Analysis Group:

Brunel University London
College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences

Department of Computer Science

Brunel University London, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, United Kingdom<>

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