So we have been installing a few UniFi devices, as tests, in some of our
customers houses. Mostly due to size of their structure, multiple and
varying devices and streaming devices where our basic routers just weren't
cutting it. Its about time to charge these customers. We have been
installing them to our cloud controller for management in cases where we
wouldn't need an onsite controller.


Questions is for others doing the same thing, what do you do for charging?
Do you charge for the equipment a one time fee plus install if applicable,
or a small one time fee and a monthly rental or management fee? I would like
to market the hell out of these for our higher end customers, but I want to
make sure we make some money. I wouldn't mind doing a small monthly
recurring fee on top of their service fee for monthly internet service. If
they drop the service I just get our gear back. I suppose depending on how
many devices the needed, maybe a small upfront fee for each device, theres
really not much additional cost for management of several devices


I appreciate any input






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