I'm sending a /64 today. I've not tried a /56 or /48 PD, but presumably AirOS will either take a /64 from the larger prefix and put it on the LAN or put the whole /56 or /48 prefix on the LAN. Either way, AirOS isn't going to do DHCP-PD on the LAN, but you could do it manually. Clearly, this functionality resides squarely in the customer's router. If I sent a /48 to it, I'll have a v6 route to the /48 via the PPPoE iface and fictitious link-local fe80 address. The /48 can be subnetted as needed internal to the LAN, I won't care as the provider.

FWIW, I'm well aware of the recommendation of giving /56 or even /48 to all subscribers. I also know of no consumer router that can use anything other than a /64 for it's LAN side so I've left it alone. Switching from /64s to /56s or /48s to subscribers is an easy conversion and when the day comes that someone asks for a static v6 prefix, I'll give them a /48 or more if they want it.

Jesse DuPont

Network Architect
email: jesse.dup...@celeritycorp.net
Celerity Networks LLC

Celerity Broadband LLC
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On 1/16/17 11:31 AM, Mike Hammett wrote:
So now how does this work with multiple subnets, prefixes, etc.? If I had an internal router that further sub-delegated prefixes, would I change that /64 to a /56? What size of prefix is sent down to the CPE from your router?

From: "Jesse DuPont" <jesse.dup...@celeritycorp.net>
To: "Ubiquiti Users Group" <ubnt_users@wispa.org>
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2017 12:25:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Ubnt_users] V6 PD on UBNT

We do this every day using AirRouters and XM/XW CPEs. They're in router mode, PPPoE, getting v6 via PD and auto-configuring the LAN side.

Screen shots attached.

Jesse DuPont

Network Architect
email: jesse.dup...@celeritycorp.net
Celerity Networks LLC

Celerity Broadband LLC
Like us! facebook.com/celeritynetworksllc

Like us! facebook.com/celeritybroadband

On 1/16/17 11:15 AM, Shawn C. Peppers wrote:
Has anyone successfully gotten ipv6 PD to work on ubnt devices running pppoe and configured in router mode?

Also does ubnt not plan on putting any v6 features in the v8.0? 

Shawn C. Peppers
Video Direct Satellite & Entertainment
866-680-8433 Toll Free
480-287-9960 Fax
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