Don't ever use lock to ap Mac. Seen too many wisps roll trucks when they
replace the ap. Every ssid should be different for every sector.

Also for the client connecting to a weaker signal. That would be fixed as
well if you connected to a specific ssid.
On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 6:21 PM Jan-OOLLC <>

> Update, trying to balance the Rx dbm's at the AP first, by decreasing
> transmit power at the CPE.  Noticed that one of the trouble CPEs was
> connecting to another tower with same name SSID even the the signal was 10
> dbm weaker.  So I figured if all the CPEs were configured to lock to the AP
> mac, they would transfer over to a new name for SSID.  Ended up doing a lot
> of driving for orphans.  Not one of them accepted the new name, all were
> set to "lock to AP" mac.  I'm pretty sure with older firmware this used to
> work, is this a bug?
> Have tried airControl2 in the past, could not figure out how to add new
> CPEs after initial install.  Dude is much easier to use.
> Jan
> On 01/30/2017 12:03 PM, Nick Bright wrote:
> On 1/28/2017 11:43 AM, Chris Soiles wrote:
> I have replaced APs and just named them the same with same security and
> they just connect
> I.E.: had rocket with Omni named SSID: radio WPA2: 1234
> Added a new section, installed 4 APs at New top, named all APs SSID: radio
> same WPA2
> Turned off Omni AP
> As each CPE connected to new AP
> Login to CPE change SSID to New name for the radio
> Once all CPEs gone, change name of AP to New name, they all reconnect
> That's what I do too. If things are working well, you could also use
> airControl2 to do it by batch, but you need to ensure that all the CPE have
> reliable connections and are responding properly first, or they'll get
> orphaned.
> --
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