On Mon, Oct 09, 2006 at 11:23:52PM EST, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Krister here with another little query for you.
> I'm trying to play an .mp3 file by selecting it on the Gnome desktop and
> then hitting the enter key. But instead of nice music, a dialog comes up
> saying that Totem can't play this type of file since i don't have a
> decoder for .mp3 installed and my question is what package i should
> install? I've searched for mp3 decoders, but with no luck at all,
> probably because i don't know the propper name of the package, so could
> anyone please shed some light on this?

You need to enable the universe repository, and install the 
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad package. Then you will be able to play MP3s.
Luke Yelavich
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