Sounds like my main problem with OpenMary is that I'm using openjdk-jre instead of sun-java6-jre. I'll try again with sun-java6-jre installed to see if that solves the problem.

The requirement of sun-java6-jre may be a little too much on an embedded system where the OP plans to use it though, unless the remote server is an option. But usually it is unwise to require a connection to a network in order to get speech. In this case, eSpeak and SVox Pico are the smallest and best options, as they use much less memory and are both already supported by speech-dispatcher. Flite is another option for low-memory systems, but the speech-dispatcher module for it only works with the worst sounding voice. There are 3 or 4 other better voices that can be selected from the command line, but they don't work with speech-dispatcher's flite module for some reason.

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