I almost nevr install via the software center, so do not know commands for 
checking dependencies from there. 
I'd make sure that I removed the extra packages . In a terminal or console run 
apt-cache depends lubuntu-desktop or what ever the original thing 
you installed was called. You can pipe the output to a textfile for later use. 
Then see if you still have any of those deps installed, but as far as I know 
what you want to get rid of is  lxdm. 
dpkg -l|grep lxdm
and see if it returns anything II means that a given pkg is installed. 
sudo apt-get purge for anything lubuntu specific to remove...
Then reconfigure lightdm. Actually, it may have been removed as a conflicting 
package when you installed lubuntu stuff, so use dpkg -l to see if you 
have it still, and if not reinstall it. I hope nothing else required by  a 
standard unity install was removed. 
It's worth checking log files to see exactly what was done if you still have 
   Registerd Linux User 521886

  Milton wrote:
Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 08:30:58AM +0200

> In lightdm I use ctrl_S to start Orca to speak. But now it won't work. a
> sighted person told me that there is only one account shown in the login
> screen. so I think it is not lightdm. In the software Centre I delete the
> Lubuntu-desktop but I still stay with another dm.
> Milton
> Op 28-04-15 om 05:39 schreef B. Henry:
> >It is once logged in for sure, but I thought it was different on log-in 
> >screen, aI may be wrong though, but now that I hear the lu instead of ubuntu 
> >I'm
> >wondering if lightdm is even used .
> >LXDM does not speak as far as I know, but perhaps it is not used.
> >
> >
> -- 
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