I'm having problems getting my NUC 5PPYH to connect to WIFI.
It sort of connects, and then disconnects.
I read where updating the WIFI driver with:
will fix the problem.
The instructions said only to paste it into:
I did that and rebooted, and it did not help.
I ran apt-get update
thinking, even though I am not connected to the Internet, that it would update 
that driver, since I placed it into the firmware folder.
Is there something different I need to do to make it use this updated driver?
Sounds like updating to the latest Ubuntu kernel 4. something fixes it too, but 
this computer is not connected to the Internet.
I am using Ubuntu Mate 15.10 Desktop.
Ultimately I want to install Voxin successfully, which seems to never work 
unless I'm connected to the Internet, for some needed packages.
Thanks for any help.
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