I'm confused by your message. Are you trying to set up your swap or create the partition where you want to install Ubuntu?

If you want to create the partition where you want to install Ubuntu then use like 38G of the 40G of free space and mount it at /. After that, go back in and select that 2G of free space you didn't use and mount that as swap. As long as you review everything you do and don't touch sda1, you should be fine.

On 06/02/16 13:13, Glenn / Lenny wrote:
I left about 40 GB as free space on my HD to install Ubuntu along side
I am using Orca.
I am in the partitioning section, and I select the free space, and it
calls it /dev/sda5, and it will allow me to either set the file system
area, mounted at /, or swap.
When I select one, it removes the other.
This is frustrating, why cannot I just tell it free space and have it
create the swap area?
This is touchy because I don't want to destroy /dev/sda1.
Thanks for any assistance.

Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail

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