On Fri, Apr 05, 2019 at 11:22:01AM AEDT, Glenn At Home wrote:
> It looks like this distro does not support the audio device built into the 
> board.
> I did arecord -l
> and it listed no devices
> I also did lspci | grep
> and it listed no audio devices.
> Any ideas?

Firstly, such hardware does not always have a PCI bus, and even if it did, it 
is likely that the audio hardware is in the main SoC chip itself.

Check for the existance of /proc/asound. If that doesn't exist, then it is 
possible that the relevant audio hardware module is not loaded. Check in 
/lib/modules/$kernel-version to see if any sound modules are present, and try 
to load them.

It is common for board specific kernels to have the audio hardware driver built 
into the kernel, so you may not find anything, either in lsmod output, or in 
the modules directory.


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