I use Linux for games.  Nethack being one example and alteraeon another.
I downloaded the kallisti-pack so I'd be able to play that game too.  In
archlinux at least there's crawl and zapm both of which I have installed
on another machine along with omega.  For those games that are not mud
games you have to learn the symbol meanings to play them.  They're ascii
symbols if you want to use a screen reader so those will speak.  I suppose
dictionaries could be compiled so tile interfaces would also work but I've
never done that and wouldn't attempt it since I've never seen anything in
this life and that's work for someone with perfectly useable eyes.  I play
all of these on command line.  If someone installs frotz and frobtads you
get access to tads and z-machine games and I have both of those installed
on another machine.  Unfortunately gargoyle isn't accessible and that has
to be played in graphical interface and I don't know of any other games
written for graphical user interface that will work well enough with orca.
Another game called sipan for command line is available on archlinux but
I've not got that one yet though it works with the command line.  A game
on archlinux called bcrawl is a continuation of crawl but it has to be
played in graphical user interface.  I don't know if that one is
orca-compatible though.


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