
On my site http://jlemmens.nl I released ebook-speaker 6.1.
This version has some bug-fixes: 

6.1     Bug in option d solved.
        Bug in command 'b' (in OPF books) solved.
        The config-file ~/.eBook-speaker.xml is now reread everytime
        the 't' command is given.
        Force english output using setlocale () when an external
        command like amixer or pactl is executed.
        Command 'A' and 'd' now takes in account the current level.
        Added the new keyboard-command 'w' to store the whole book to
        disk in WAV-format.

Thereis also a .deb package file for amd64.
And Pranav Lal has made a .deb package file for the armhf cpu. 

    Best regards, 



   Sent from Debian GNU/Linux 10.6 (Buster)

   Jos Lemmens
   The Netherlands
   E-mail: acjlemm...@gmail.com
   Homepage: www.jlemmens.nl

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